5 datasets found

Formats: SHP Tags: World

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  • World Lakes

    Summary World Lakes represents the major lakes and inland seas of the world. Description The polygons represent the major natural inland bodies of water within the world.
  • World Linear Water

    Summary World Linear Water represents the rivers and streams of the world. These rivers and streams are too narrow to be represented as polygons. Description The lines...
  • World Urban Areas

    Summary World Urban Areas represents the urban areas of the world with populations of more than 10,000. Description The polygons represent the urban areas of the world.
  • World Time Zones

    Summary World Time Zones represents the time zones of the world. The time zones are best displayed with World Countries or World Administrative Divisions. Description The...
  • World Regions

    Summary World Regions represents the boundaries for the regions of the world. There are 25 commonly recognized world regions. Description The polygons represent the boundaries...
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